Cohort Size
August 24 - September 3, 2023
10 days

ML4Good Germany ran from August 24th to September 3rd in Schwedt, Germany. We had 22 participants from Germany, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Finland and Spain. The camp was 10 days long and featured an intense technical curriculum, an AI Safety literature review, a three-day project, and career planning sessions. We also ate delicious food, played many games of Seven Wonders, and went on a bike ride to a nearby national park.

What they’re up to now

Many participants are setting up local AI Safety reading groups, including in Düsseldorf and Munich, and at their workplaces.

One participant is designing a university course to run at his university in Spain.

Two participants are have joined research teams within the SPAR programme.

Four of our participants have launched - a website that explains important AI Safety, AI and ML terms with increasing levels of complexity and in different languages.

Many participants are working on blog posts on AI Safety topics. We have active research engineering and reading groups meeting every two weeks.


“I liked how it gave me the opportunity to learn AI safety and ML in an intensive and accelerated way. I also thought that the conversations with the other participants were really valuable.”
“Excellent! Great vibes, well organized, high commitment, the whole structure was beneficial for making people bond and get passionate about the subject.”
“I think it is a great opportunity to learn skills, engage with the AI Safety community and build a network. It is also very motivating.”
“Incredible. It is probably the best professional activity I have ever signed up for. Great vibes as well.”
“A great atmosphere with great discussion and interactions!”



Charbel-Raphael Segerie
Teacher, Curriculum Designer
Charbel is the co-head of the AI Safety Unit at EffiSciences. He will be the primary instructor for the coding parts of the event and has been the lead curriculum developer for all past iterations of ML4Good. He is teaching technical AI Safety in ENS Paris-Saclay in the Mathematics, Vision and Learning master.
Diego Dorn
Head Teacher
Diego is a Master student from EPFL in Switzerland, and currently working for the summer at David Kruger’s lab on detecting goal misgeneralisation in RL agents. He participated in the first ML4G, organised in France last summer and has now joined the other side of the organisation.
Bogdan-Ionut Cirstea
Conceptual Teacher
Bogdan is an independent AI safety researcher funded by the Center on Long-Term Risk currently working mostly at the intersection of neuroscience, deep learning and AI alignment. During the camp, he will be the main instructor in charge of the conceptual parts. He completed a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at the École normale supérieure and has a PhD in Machine Learning.
Yannick Muehlhaeuser
Organiser and Teaching Assistant
Yannick is currently studying physics at the University of Tuebingen and has multiple years of experience organizing groups and events. He spent last summer working on Space Governance as a CHERI Fellow, where he also co-authored the research agenda of the Space Futures Initiative.
Evander Hammer
Evander has a Bachelor's in Behavioral Disorders and experience in organizing community events. He is motivated to contribute with his skills to AI Safety and started his first projects in field building. He is also interested in compute governance and wants to strengthen his understanding of technical safety approaches.
Nia Gardner
Nia studied Computer Science and Economics at university and has spent the past few years working as a software engineer.